This Chinese Olympic weightlifting program is a 3 day 4 week peaking block designed for competition preparation. It is pronounced yô. Learn Chinese Vocabulary Words For Greetings Family And More Chinese Language Learning Learn Chinese Chinese Language Abbreviations for Days of the Week in Spanish. . The days of the week are Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday. Consider an Online Weightlifting Coach41 Related Posts. This is a word set for learning vocabulary words including Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. The remnants of the massive Chinese rocket that delivered a new module to its space station on Monday are expected to fall to Earth early next week according to. You only need to remember one or two words at the front of the sentence 星期 Xīngqí 礼拜 Lǐbài 周 Zhōu followed by the numbers 1 to 6. Music is a great way to help your brain create new neural pathways and remember new...